Sunday, September 9, 2007


So basically in the first few weeks of school, physics has proved to be on of the more challenging courses.   I'm already behind on a couple night's of homework, so I have to go catch up on some of that.  Lets see... quizzes and tests are really fun! (and by fun i mean insanely hard).  I don't really know whether I like the online textbook or not.  It has a lot of pros and cons, but its definitely unique.  So lets see, what happened to me this week thats related to physics?  Well, in cross country, our coach was teaching us that if we increased our velocity (okay, he didn't use those exact words) just after turning a corner, and then went back to our normal pace, we could gain a good three to five meters over whoever was trailing us.  We had demonstrations, and it really works well! So next time I'll be sure to accelerate around those corners so I can put a greater displacement between me and the people behind me.

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